Rust + AWS developer, specializing in backend development using Actix and Axum
State pattern , Phantom types, Copy type misconceptions and shared memory model · Introduction Concurrency is a fundamental concept in modern programming...
Rust is a systems and statically typed programming language that incorporates novel concepts like ownership, borrowing, and lifetimes. Rust employs...
What is static and dynamic dispatch, trait bounds , types vs traits · Normally we write a function or any user-defined type for solving a particular task...
Slice is a dynamically sized view into the contiguous sequence i.e. no copy but a direct view into memory whether stored in the heap or stack. We can...
Discover the tools that Rust provides to make our code more robust against errors. · A robust program should be reliable when comes to handling errors in...
Object-Oriented Programming is a programming paradigm that enables the organization of code in a way that offers several benefits: Ease of...